Properly controlling humidity levels is crucial for creating an optimal growing environment for your plants. Grow rooms often require dedicated dehumidification to prevent issues like mold, fungi, bacteria, and stunted plant growth that can occur from excess moisture.
Choosing the right dehumidifier for your grow room is important not only for protecting your plants, but also for efficiently removing moisture without over-drying the air. In this buying guide, we’ll go over the key factors to consider when selecting a dehumidifier for indoor gardening and growing setups. These include coverage capacity, drainage options, noise level, thermostatic control, and special considerations for grow rooms like ventilation requirements and preventing light pollution.
What Is a Dehumidifier?
A dehumidifier is an electrical appliance designed to reduce humidity levels in indoor spaces. It works by extracting moisture from the air and collecting water in a tank or draining it out through a hose. Having proper humidity control is critical for health, comfort, and protecting your home or belongings from moisture damage.
Dehumidifiers work using refrigerant chemicals and a compressor that cool air below its dew point so that water vapor condenses on metal coils. A fan then pulls the damp air through the cold coils, causing the moisture to drip into a collection tank. The now dehumidified air is reheated and cycled back into the room, drier than before.
Ideally, the relative humidity (RH) in your home should be kept between 30-50%. Higher humidity encourages growth of mold, mildew, bacteria and mites which can aggravate allergies and respiratory issues. It also creates an environment conducive to corrosion and moisture damage. Conversely, air that is too dry can cause furniture damage and respiratory irritations.
Grow rooms and greenhouses often require dedicated dehumidification. The confined spaces and abundant moisture from plants make controlling humidity levels especially important. Just a 5-10% spike above or below optimal RH can stunt plant growth or lead to harmful fungus and pathogens.
When shopping for a dehumidifier, key factors to consider are coverage capacity for your room size, drainage options, thermostatic humidity control, and noise level ratings. We’ll go over specifics later in this buying guide. With the proper dehumidifier model for your needs, you can successfully regulate moisture for healthy, thriving plants.
- Temperature Humidity Monitor for Grow Tent Ventilation
- 4 Inch Carbon Filter and 8 Feet of Ducting
- Multi-Layer Air Ducting; 2 Rust-free Clamps;
When to Use a Dehumidifier in Your Indoor Garden?
Using a dehumidifier is highly recommended for nearly any indoor gardening application, whether a small plant nursery or large-scale grow room operation. Maintaining optimal humidity levels is essential for the health, vigor, and productivity of your plants.
As a rule of thumb, relative humidity (RH) between 40-60% is ideal for most gardens and greenhouses. Ventilation and air circulation alone is often insufficient to keep moisture within this range, making dedicated dehumidification necessary. An effective dehumidifier ensures your plants have adequate moisture without risk of overwatering.
Excessive humidity is problematic for indoor plants and can lead to major issues. The confined spaces enable moisture to rapidly accumulate. RH above 60% starts to stagnate the air, slow transpiration, and encourage fungal diseases. These unsanly fungi thrive in damp conditions and can rot your plant’s roots and leaves.
High humidity also leads to warmer temperatures from diminished evaporative cooling. Heat stress makes plants susceptible to aphid or white fly infestations. Temperatures above 90°F significantly retard growth rates for most species.
Low moisture comes with its own share of problems too. Below 40% RH, your plants lose water faster than they can uptake it. This leads to drooping, wilting, and leaf scorching. Growth halts as plants enter survival mode.
Investing in a reliable, properly-sized dehumidifier grants you ultimate control over moisture levels. Your plants will thank you through faster growth, bigger yields, and elevated resistance to pests and diseases.
- with Temperature Humidity Controller, Bluetooth App
- Ventilation Exhaust Fan for Heating Cooling Booster
- Grow Tents, HydroponicsDuct Size: 6” | Dimensions: 7.9 x 12.6 x 8.4 in.
Benefits of Using a Grow Room Dehumidifier
Installing a dehumidifier offers several key advantages for optimizing the environment in your indoor garden:
- Promotes faster, healthier growth. Keeping humidity in the optimal 40–60% range enables vigorous blooming and fruiting. Well-regulated moisture prevents stunted or mutated growth from water stress. The ideal conditions maximize photosynthesis and robust plant development.
- Deters harmful molds and fungi. Excessive dampness breeds fungus gnats, gray mold, root rot, and more. These quickly cripple or kill plants in confined indoor spaces. Dehumidifiers maintain RH below thresholds needed for outbreaks to occur, protecting plants.
- Extends flowering/fruiting duration. Moisture stress triggers early finishes, reducing harvest yields. Consistent humidity via dehumidification prolongs blossom and fruit production cycles for bigger yields. Slowing senescence keeps plants actively growing longer each season.
- Wards off pests. Fungal growth attracts unwanted visitors like aphids or spider mites, which damage leaves and roots. Preventing such outbreaks with proper humidity levels eliminates the draw for these garden pests. Fewer infestations mean less pesticide use as well.
- Reduces risk of equipment damage. Electronics and HVAC systems operate best within manufacturer humidity tolerances, usually 30–50% RH. Preventing excess moisture accumulation improves longevity of all grow room equipment. Replacing damaged gear gets very costly over time.
- Enhances leaf/air exchanges. Optimal RH ensures leaves properly transpire without respiration being blocked. This fosters efficient distribution of nutrients for robust growth and profuse flowering each cycle. Potent, flavorful buds result from healthy exchanges of water, CO2 and oxygen.
How to Choose a Dehumidifier for Your Grow Room?
Choosing an appropriately sized and featured dehumidifier is crucial for keeping your grow area’s humidity on target. The ideal model also needs to efficiently pull moisture from the air without issues down the line. Here are the most important criteria to evaluate when selecting a dehumidifier unit for your indoor garden.
Dimensions and Portability
When deciding on a humidifier for your grow room, first look at potential installation spaces and the model’s measurements. Length and height limitations exist in many setups, so a portable and compact unit may be your only option. However, for larger spaces with sufficient clearance, a robust floor unit offers greater moisture removal capacities. Consider your available footprint and vertical allowances when shortlisting models.
The operating sound level should also inform portability needs. Noisier models are best relegated to equipment rooms so fan noises don’t disturb occupants or plants. This requires ducting to yet extend the unit’s reach into grow areas. Quieter dehumidifiers under 50 dB can sit directly amongst the plants to most effectively lower local humidity.
Efficiency and Room Size Rating
Pay close attention to each dehumidifier’s rated effectiveness for differing room sizes. Look for units rated for at least 15-20% larger than your actual grow area square footage. Oversized capacity ensures sufficient drying power to accommodate flowering plant transpiration, harvests, and summer/winter humidity spikes. Check energy efficiency ratings, too, since the units may operate 24/7.
Also note the minimum and maximum humidity levels the dehumidifier can be set to target. Wider operational bands allow keeping humidity as low as 35% or fully disabling it if desired. Grow rooms demand adjustability, so pay for controllers with 10-20% RH ranges at minimum. This grants flexibility as both plant species and seasons change.
Water Tank Capacity
While removing humidity rapidly is important, having to frequently empty collection tanks is an inconvenience. Larger water reservoirs between 4 and 6 gallons allow longer intervals between draining. Auto-shutoff when full is also a useful feature to prevent overflows. Alternatively, many heavy-duty models offer hose connections for constant drainage.
Bigger tanks do take up more internal space, which slightly sacrifices moisture removal rates. There is also added weight once filled. Determine if quick-draining via a garden hose works better than manually handling large water reservoirs. Both integrated pump drainage and gravity drain fittings are convenient options to have.
Fan Speed
Variable fan speeds allow customizing dehumidifier power consumption and noise production. Faster settings remove more moisture for intense drying when needed, while lower fan speeds operate more quietly during normal maintenance humidity levels. Look for at least 2-3 selectable options to suit both high activity harvest days and quiet lights-off periods.
Turbo or maximum fan speed settings are also useful for quickly bringing high humidity back down after an event spike. Just be aware that the highest speed will produce the most noise. Having the option enables responsive humidity control at the expense of sound levels when necessary.
Easy to Use
Dehumidifiers with overly complex interfaces can lead to accidental setting changes. This causes undesirable humidity fluctuations from incorrect output. Models with simple onboard controls or wireless apps are preferable for monitoring your grow room environment with ease.
Many appliances also come with timer or scheduling functions to automate ideal humidity levels for different plant growth stages. Such automation simplifies meeting targets as flowering phases change. Batch tracking of historical data is another advanced yet useful feature for analysis.
Having an air purifier within the dehumidifier kills two birds with one stone. Activated charcoal pre-filters remove airborne chemicals, odors, and particulate. Hepa filters capture mold spores, pollen, and fine dust passing through. The cleansed air protects plants, while supplemental UV sterilization further decontaminates for immunocompromised species.
Multi-filter systems do require more frequent gasket and trap replacements. However, the tradeoff is continuously scrubbing recirculated air to protect plants from airborne threats. Advanced filtration paired with a humidistat grants complete command over your grow room’s environment.
Electricity Usage
Dehumidifier energy efficiency makes operating 24/7 feasible long-term without prohibitive electric bills. Look for ENERGY STAR rated appliances that remove substantial moisture per kilowatt used. For reference, most efficient models can extract 6–8 pints daily while consuming less than 600 watts. Calculate your electricity costs based on your climate’s runtime needs to estimate annual costs.
Compressor units tend to use slightly more energy yet offer greater water removal rates and lower operating temperatures. For large grow operations, the higher yields offset increased electrical consumption. Just ensure the unit can run constantly without overheating, or the compressor failure risk rises.
Noise Level
Whether replacing HVAC ducting or installing alongside flowering plants, dehumidifier noise matters in your grow room. Whisper-quiet models under 50 decibels allow installing virtually anywhere without disturbing plant development or occupants. For context, 60 dB is typical conversational volume. Compare sound test data between models and brands when noise is a concern.
Air Circulation Range
Stationary dehumidifiers with fans or ducting inputs rely on ambient airflow to deliver moist air. Units with longer air throw distances and higher circulation capacities work well for larger grow rooms. This prevents leaving humid dead zones which breed mold. Match your grow space’s size and layout to the device’s rated air delivery reach for best moisture control.
Some portable units also feature rotating humidistats which help distribute dried air in wider arcs rather than a fixed direction. This expanded circulation radius prevents leaving sections untreated. Carefully angling the discharge outlet also helps redirect the drier air to reach further across your garden.
Moisture Removing Capabilities
For optimal cannabis and plant growth, maintain relative humidity between 40-60% continuously. Ventilation alone often fails to keep moisture within such narrow parameters. Investing in a properly-sized dehumidifier with adjustable output settings grants reliable RH stability over changing seasons and plant life cycles.
Keep your humidity dialed in, and your plants will reward you with faster growth and elevated resistance to pests and powdery mildews. Monitor with a dedicated hygrometer, and only water when substrates become nearly dry. Following these simple rules results in thriving gardens with bountiful yields.
What Size of a Dehumidifier Do You Need?
Selecting a properly sized dehumidifier ensures it can adequately manage the moisture generated in your specific grow room environment. Overcapacity is preferred to undercapacity when it comes to humidity control. We’ll overview optimal sizing based on grow room footage as well as particular use case needs.
Large Capacity
For dedicated grow rooms over 500 square feet, a heavy-duty large capacity dehumidifier in the 70-90 pint size range is recommended. The greater moisture removal abilities ensure keeping pace with the considerable transpiration from dozens of large plants. Position the larger unit outside the main room in a connected space to utilize long ducting and reduce noise.
Larger reservoirs or constant drainage are also a must to avoid frequent emptying. High-performing compressor refrigerant units excel at holding very tight humidity tolerances despite heavy moisture loads. Redundancy with a second, smaller 35-50 pint backup unit is worthwhile for uninterrupted operation during component failures or maintenance.
Small Capacity
Compact grow tents and propagation stations under 150 square feet perform well with smaller, portable 30-50 pint dehumidifiers. The lighter moisture generation allows a right-sized unit to hold the ideal 40-60% humidity range. Look for compact rolling units with top ventilation that can sit inside the actual grow room quietly.
For small spaces, make use of dehumidifiers with adjustable humidistats able to reach down to 40% RH. This caters to plants that thrive in exceptionally arid conditions, like succulents and cacti. The lower setting also allows room to dry plants effectively post-harvest.
For integrating indoor growing into a full residential HVAC system, a whole-house dehumidifier paired with venting ductwork excels. They tie into existing ducting to circulate dry air while drawing excess humidity back to the unit. This leverages the home’s central air handling to evenly regulate moisture, redirecting it outside.
Whole-house systems require professional installation but offer unmatched humidity control across large, multiroom houses. Carefully measure the aggregate grow room footprint plus any open concept adjoining spaces. Size the dehumidifier unit per the total area for adequate power to maintain preferred RH levels in all spaces.
- Exhaust Fan with Temperature Humidity Controller
- Hydroponics Grow Tent Ventilation Kit
- for Heating Cooling Booster, Grow Tents, Hydroponics
What Are the Best Dehumidifiers for Grow Room in 2023?
With the environment within your indoor garden under control, selecting the right dehumidifier model ultimately comes down to properly sized moisture removal abilities plus key convenience features. The best dehumidifiers for grow rooms balance sufficient drying power, precision humidity targeting, durable construction, and ease of use. Additional factors like budget, noise production, and portability also inform the ideal product for your particular space and needs.
Kesnos 4500 Sq. Ft Dehumidifier for Home with Drain Hose
With a large 70-pint moisture removal capacity in a tightly sealed housing, the Kesnos 4500 Sq. Ft Dehumidifier is a powerhouse for mid-sized grow rooms and versatile drying applications. An advanced humidistat holds relative humidity to +/- 2% accuracy within a wide 20-90% RH operational range. Long ducting connectivity and optional drainage hosing tames even the most persistent moisture levels.
The Kesnos dehumidifier’s strength is its anti-leak construction to handle moist exhaust air without internal condensation on electrical components. This durability ensures reliable, nonstop performance even in extreme conditions. Another standout feature is the advanced ball bearing compressor, which operates quietly and cools continuously for sophisticated moisture withdrawal.
Its 4500 sq ft rating, sizeable water reservoir, and overall build quality warrant the higher price point versus other 4 pint dehumidifier consumer models. The Kesnos dehumidifier simply outclasses portable units for whole-room control. Place in an insulated utility closet or basement with venting, then draw down humidity in a 2000 square foot grow operation without breaking a sweat. With the bonus washable air filter plus drainage pump accessory for unattended moisture removal, this device checks all the boxes for a comprehensive humidity management workhorse for your indoor garden.
An integrated pump and large reservoir enable unattended gravity drainage through a standard garden hose for constant moisture removal. The pump activation float sensor triggers disposal once the 2.1 gallon tank reaches capacity. Having the option to untether the unit from needing regular manual drainage is invaluable for keeping at peak performance within your grow room. Set it and forget it — the Kesnos does the tough work maintaining environmental conditions so your plants thrive.
Pros | Cons |
Large 70 pint capacity for 2000-4500 sq ft spaces | Relatively expensive |
Advanced ball bearing compressor for continuous cooling | Internal pump drainage optional extra |
Auto drainage pump accessory (sold separately) | Can be loud on higher fan settings |
Adjusts from 20-90% relative humidity | |
Durable for continuous, enclosed operation | |
Caster wheels for portability |
TOSOT 50 Pint with Internal Pump 4,500 Sq Ft Dehumidifier
The TOSOT 50 Pint Dehumidifier is designed to remove moisture from spaces up to 4,500 square feet. It features an internal pump to allow for continuous drainage without having to empty the reservoir manually.
This dehumidifier uses a compressor and refrigerant coils to cool air and condense water vapor. The condensed water collects in the 16.9 pint reservoir or is pumped out through the drainage hose, depending on the setting. Fan-assisted circulation pulls moist air across the coils to maximize moisture removal. Built-in humidistat controls allow you to set a target humidity level from 35-85%.
Some key features include multiple fan speeds, auto restart after a power outage, and auto defrost to prevent ice buildup on the coils. The washable air filter helps keep dust out of internal components. And the unit has both top-mounted standard electrical outlets and side-mounted USB charging ports. Casters offer easy mobility.
With its generous capacity, internal pump, and useful features, this TOSOT model is ideal for basements, crawl spaces, garages, and other damp areas of the home where excessive moisture is an issue. Just keep in mind it produces significant noise at the higher fan setting.
Pros | Cons |
Large 4,500 sq ft dehumidification capacity | Loud at higher fan speeds |
Internal pump for continuous drainage | Large and heavy unit |
Humidistat controls and auto features | Reservoir needs occasional manual emptying |
Multiple fan speeds | |
Air filter, defrost capability |
Yaufey 80-Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier for Home, Basement and Large Rooms
The Yaufey 80-Pint Dehumidifier is an Energy Star certified appliance designed to eliminate excess moisture in large rooms up to 1500 square feet. It utilizes an advanced compressor and refrigeration system to pull moisture from the surrounding air and collect it in an 8-liter water reservoir or drain hose (included). Fan-forced operation and intelligent humidity sensor allow customized moisture control between 35% to 85% RH.
Some of the useful features of this dehumidifier include integrated caster wheels for room-to-room mobility, digital controls with LED display, 24-hour timer, auto restart, and multiple fan speeds including quiet nighttime mode. It also has a washable filter that helps keep dust out of internal components. Automatic defrost prevents icy buildup on coils in cooler environments. Safety features include overheating and overflow protection.
In terms of effectiveness, it can extract up to 80 pints of moisture per day at standard conditions. The ergonomic side handles and drain access allows for convenient emptying. At just under 50 pounds, it’s lightweight for a unit of this capacity. Overall, the Yaufey Dehumidifier is an efficient appliance suitable for moisture removal in damp basements, bedrooms, bathrooms and other humid areas of the home.
Pros | Cons |
80 pint capacity | Noisy compressor operation |
Covers up to 1,500 sq ft | Reservoir requires frequent manual draining |
Energy Star certified | Large footprint (23 x 15 x 12 inches) |
Intelligent humidity controls | |
Portability with caster wheels | |
Auto modes and safety feature |
NineSky Dehumidifier for Home
The NineSky Dehumidifier is designed to eliminate excess moisture and mold-causing humidity in homes up to 4,500 square feet. It utilizes a whisper-quiet compressor and Peltier module for efficient and low noise moisture extraction. The collected water fills the large 1.6 gallon tank or continuously drains via the built-in pump and drain hose.
This unit has nine adjustable humidity settings ranging from 35% to 85% relative humidity, controlled by the electronic humidistat. Fan speeds are also adjustable up to 163 CFM for customized drying. Convenient features include auto shut-off when the tank is full, auto restart after power interruptions, and a washable dust filter. There are also built-in wheels for portability.
In terms of performance, it can extract up to 50 pints of moisture per day, making it well-suited for basements and living spaces plagued by dampness and humidity. During dehumidification, harmful bacteria and odors are also eliminated from the air. Overall, the NineSky delivers multiline moisture control in an efficient and user-friendly package.
Pros | Cons |
Quiet operation | Manual tank emptying required |
Large capacity tank | Exterior condenses moisture |
Continuous draining option | Large footprint (15 x 11 x 24 inches) |
Nine humidity level settings | |
Portable with wheels | |
High moisture removal |
SIMSEN 95oz Dehumidifiers for Home, 7000 Cubic Feet
The SIMSEN dehumidifier is designed to eliminate dampness and excess moisture in spaces up to 7000 cubic feet. It utilizes an advanced compressor and refrigeration coil system to actively condense water vapor from the air. The extracted water collects in the large 2.8 liter reservoir or drains continuously through the attached 16ft hose.
This unit contains a humidistat to allow adjustment of the target relative humidity between 30% to 80%. Three fan speeds also provide airflow and noise customization. Other helpful features include auto shutoff and restart, frost protection for cold areas, and built-in caster wheels for easy repositioning as needed in different rooms. The filter is also removable for cleaning.
In terms of power, the SIMSEN dehumidifier can extract up to 95 fluid ounces (or 2.8 liters) of water per day. This makes it an efficient solution for moisture issues in basements, bathrooms, bedrooms and other damp indoor spaces. Just keep in mind the unit itself is quite heavy at 41 pounds. Overall, it tackles humidity effectively across moderately sized rooms.
Pros | Cons |
Large 95oz daily extraction rate | Very heavy at 41 pounds |
Covers spaces up to 7000 cubic ft | Louder than other models |
Continuous drainage option | Reservoir requires manual draining |
Adjustable humidistat | Large footprint (15.2 x 11 x 21.7in) |
Auto shutoff and defrost | |
Portable with wheels |
What is the ideal humidity range for an indoor garden?
The ideal humidity range is between 40-60% for most indoor gardening and houseplants. This level allows plants to freely transpire moisture through their leaves while maintaining enough humidity to prevent excessive drying and potential disease issues. Anything over 60% can cause mold, fungi, and other contaminants to develop. Anything under 40% may shock plants or cause leaf scorch. Shoot for the 40-60% range for optimal home and indoor gardening results.
Where is the best place to position a dehumidifier in a grow room?
The best place to position a dehumidifier in an indoor grow room is just outside the immediate grow area, facing inwards towards the plants. This allows the dehumidifier to actively draw in the moist, humid air from around the vicinity of the plants without taking up valuable floor space among the plants themselves. Facing it inwards directs the moisture extraction exactly where you need it — at that higher humidity microclimate around the plants.
Is it expensive to use a dehumidifier?
Operating a dehumidifier does add some electrical costs, but most modern energy efficient models designed for home/grow room use have an estimated annual electrical cost of just around $50-$150 on average — depending on the unit’s size and specific hours of usage time per day. For most growers, this added energy cost is totally worthwhile to reap the benefits of proper humidity levels for healthy growth.
What humidity level is recommended during the flowering stage?
Indoor gardens and grow rooms should aim to maintain a 40-50% humidity range during the important flowering stage to prevent risky mold growth on dense flower buds, while still allowing for enough moisture for good plant health and transpiration needs.
What is the best placement for my dehumidifier?
For indoor plant grow rooms and home gardens, the best spot to place your dehumidifier is just outside the immediate grow space, facing back towards the plants. This allows the unit to actively pull moisture from the air around the plants without taking up valuable floor space within the tight grow area itself. Directing it inwards focuses moisture extraction at the microclimate right at plant level.
What is the ideal humidity range for an indoor garden?
The ideal humidity range is between 40-60% for most indoor gardening and houseplants. This level allows plants to freely transpire moisture through their leaves while maintaining enough humidity to prevent excessive drying and potential disease issues. Anything over 60% can cause mold, fungi, and other contaminants to develop. Anything under 40% may shock plants or cause leaf scorch. Shoot for the 40-60% range for optimal home and indoor gardening results.
Where is the best place to position a dehumidifier in a grow room?
The best place to position a dehumidifier in an indoor grow room is just outside the immediate grow area, facing inwards towards the plants. This allows the dehumidifier to actively draw in the moist, humid air from around the vicinity of the plants without taking up valuable floor space among the plants themselves. Facing it inwards directs the moisture extraction exactly where you need it — at that higher humidity microclimate around the plants.
Is it expensive to use a dehumidifier?
Operating a dehumidifier does add some electrical costs, but most modern energy efficient models designed for home/grow room use have an estimated annual electrical cost of just around $50-$150 on average — depending on the unit's size and specific hours of usage time per day. For most growers, this added energy cost is totally worthwhile to reap the benefits of proper humidity levels for healthy growth.
What humidity level is recommended during the flowering stage?
Indoor gardens and grow rooms should aim to maintain a 40-50% humidity range during the important flowering stage to prevent risky mold growth on dense flower buds, while still allowing for enough moisture for good plant health and transpiration needs.
What is the best placement for my dehumidifier?
For indoor plant grow rooms and home gardens, the best spot to place your dehumidifier is just outside the immediate grow space, facing back towards the plants. This allows the unit to actively pull moisture from the air around the plants without taking up valuable floor space within the tight grow area itself. Directing it inwards focuses moisture extraction at the microclimate right at plant level.